July 2018
Criminal Justice Summer Course
The R2PRIS Multi-level radicalisation prevention in prisons has been presented at the second Criminal Justice Summer Course, in Barcelona. This Summer Course, organised by EuroPris and CEP took place, from the 3rd until the 6th of July 2018, at the Centre for Legal Studies and Specialised Training. This year’s theme was radicalisation and violent extremism.
July 2018
R2PRIS International Conference on Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons, Lisbon
The International Conference “R2PRIS Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons” took place in Lisbon, Portugal, on the 3rd of July, 2018. IPS_Innovative Prisons Systems and BSAFE LAB (UBI Beira Interior University) – in collaboration with the Portuguese Prison and Probation Administration – were the organisers of the event.The conference was attended by over sixty participants from seventeen countries, including not only the neighbouring Spain but also Belgium, France, UK, Sweden, Norway, Israel, Switzerland, Canada, the United States, and other European countries. The conference focused especially on the R2PRIS approach to radicalisation prevention in prisons; the participants had the chance to learn about the assessment tools and training programme that have been developed in the framework of the R2PRIS project, which are intended both for prison management staff and for practitioners.
R2PRIS presented at the Caribbean conference of heads of correctional services
Jamaica hosted the 12th Conference of the Association of Caribbean Heads of Corrections and Prison Services (ACHCPS), from the 11th to the 14th of June, 2018.The conference was held under the theme “Transforming Prisons and Correctional Services for Regional Development“.
Within the scope of the event, Mr. Pedro das Neves, on behalf of IPS Innovative Prison Systems and of ICPA The International Corrections and Prisons Association, presented on“Policies and Interventions for Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons” – namely the tools and pilots developed under the R2PRIS project. Furthermore, he referred to the lessons learned from experiences in European prisons in the fight against radicalisation. During the session, a discussion on the situation of inmates’ radicalisation in Caribbean prisons was also facilitated. |
Staff training course on the prevention of radicalisation in prisons
Over twenty penitentiary experts from Belgium, Portugal, Romania, Norway, and Turkey gathered in Brussels, between the 16th and the 20th of April, 2018, for the third and final short-term staff training event of the R2PRIS project: Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons. The experts’ feedback on the radicalisation risk assessment toolset and the e-Learning course that have been developed in the scope of the R2PRIS project was a crucial feature of this training event, leading to the final fine-tuning of the project’s outputs.
Radicalisation prevention in prisons training held in Bucharest
Expert practitioners from Romania, Norway, Belgium, Portugal, and Turkey met in Bucharest, Romania, for a week (March 5th-9th, 2018) of intense work at the Jilava Penitentiary. The participants provided feedback on the R2PRIS assessment tools and training that are being piloted in their respective countries.
R2PRIS project presented at European Commission's Conference
The R2PRIS project was chosen to be presented at the Conference on Radicalisation in Prisons, that took place in Brussels on February 27th, 2018, hosted by the European Commission in close cooperation with the Bulgarian Presidency of the EU and with the support of EuroPris and the Confederation of European Probation.
R2PRIS steering committee meeting held in Ankara
The fifth Transnational Project Meeting of R2PRIS was held in Ankara, Turkey, on November 7th and 8th of 2017. Hosted by the General Directorate of Prisons and Detention Houses, the Agenda included the presentation and discussion about the the radicalisation screening tools and training (including classroom training materials, the train the trainer course, and the R2PRIS e-learning course), a discussion of the upcoming project's activities and milestones and a visit to the Ankara Female Closed Prison.
R2PRIS presented at the ICPA'2017 - The International Corrections and Prisons Association's Annual Conference, London
The ICPA - Internacional Corrections and Prisons Association's 19th Annual General Meeting and Conference took place in London, between the 22nd and the 27th of October, 2017. Mr. Pedro das Neves and Ms. Susana Reis (IPS_Innovative Prison Systems) presented and discussed the progress and outcomes of the work developed in the framework of the R2PRIS project on the preventing (and countering) Radicalisation in European Prisons.
R2PRIS international training, Lisbon
From the 24th to the 29th September, 2017, twenty-five experts representing seven jurisdictions (Belgium, Norway, Turkey, Romania, USA, Switzerland and Portugal) have gathered to participate in the R2PRIS Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons staff training event that took place in the historical Lisbon prison, in Portugal.
R2PRIS steering committee meeting, Brussels
The fourth Transnational Project Meeting of R2PRIS was held in Brussels, Belgium, on June 8th and 9th, 2017. Hosted by the Belgian Federal Public Service of Justice, the agenda included the presentation of the radicalisation screening tools and R2PRIS training course, a discussion of the upcoming project's activities and milestones, and a visit to a prison in Beveren.
R2PRIS steering committee meeting, Lillestrøm
The third Transnational Project Meeting of R2PRIS was held in Lillestrøm, Norway, on November 8th and 9th, 2016. Hosted by the Directorate of the Norwegian Correctional Service (KDI), the agenda included the presentation of activities developed so far, a discussion of the upcoming project's activities and milestones, and a visit to the Halden Prison.
R2PRIS presented at ICPA International Corrections and Prisons Association Conference 2016, Bucharest
Mr. Pedro das Neves (IPS_Innovative Prison Systems) and Mr. Adrian Neagoe (National Administration of Penitentiaries of Romania) presented and discussed the progress and preliminary outcomes of the work developed in the framework of R2PRIS project on the preventing (and countering) Radicalisation in European Prisons with an audience of 38 participants (general directors/experts) from more than 30 countries from all over the world at the ICPA world conference in Bucharest.
R2PRIS steering committee meeting held in Bucharest
Presentation of the R2PRIS project at the headquarters of NAP the National Administration of Prisons of Romania
R2PRIS presented at workshop “Pathways to Radicalisation and Recruitment: Intervention Strategies in the Balkans, Central and South Eastern Europe”
On behalf of IPS, Mr. Pedro das Neves participated as the invited speaker at the workshop “Pathways to Radicalisation and Recruitment: Intervention Strategies in the Balkans, Central and South Eastern Europe” organised by the Romanian Centre for Prison Studies of the University of Vest Timisoara and the National Administration of Prisons of Romania from 24 to 28 of April, 2016, in Timisoara. The event counted with 30 high-level officials (security, education, intelligence) from 15 countries in the region. With the title “Reinsertion, radicalisation prevention and intelligence led corrections - Kafka, Orwell, Bentham and Foucault revisited?” Mr. das Neves addressed the audience inviting the participants to reflect on the importance of the use of existing prison technologies to promote a balanced approach between rehabilitation/reinsertion, radicalisation prevention and intelligence led corrections (digital footprints). At the event Mr. das Neves presented the work that is being done in the framework of the R2PRIS project and invited the participating countries to join as associated partners.
Open Class "Radicalisation: a challenge to European Societies – The role of the penitentiary systems" at Beira Interior University (UBI), Portugal
R2PRIS kick-off meeting at UBI University in Covilhã, Portugal
The R2PRIS project is co-financed by ERASMUS + programme ( KA2 - Strategic partnerships for adult education). ERASMUS + is the new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth, and Sports (2014-2020).
This website has been accomplished during the project “Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons” - 2015-1-PT01-KA204-013062 (R2PRIS), implemented with the financial support of the European Commission through the Erasmus + Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, The Portuguese National Agency ERASMUS+ Education and Training and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. © Developed by IPS_Innovative Prison Systems