Intelectual Output 1
Methodological Framework
Description: A conceptual model that integrates the different radicalisation concepts, methodological and intervention approaches. This output builds upon the literature review on violent extremism and radicalisation within prisons taking into consideration the latest trends and evolving patterns and means in radicalisation processes; contains a collection of approaches from the participant countries, identifying trade-offs and dilemmas but also principles and best practices that will help governments and policymakers spot new ideas and avoid costly and counterproductive mistakes.
Activities performed: State of the art analysis; Collection of approaches, lessons learned and practices in the field of (de)radicalisation; Development of a methodological framework for analysing deradicalisation strategies within prison; Establishment of a panel of experts in the field. Leader: Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara Final Research Report: "R2PRIS Methodological Framework", January 2017. Download the Report. |
Intelectual Output 2
Radicalisation screening tool
Description: The radicalisation screening tool is a battery of assessment instruments that correctional professionals will be able to use in order to assess the signals and risk of radicalisation that may allow them to act in specific situations. After its development, the tool was piloted by prison professionals and fine-tuned.
Activities performed: Radicalisation screening tool development; Radicalisation screening piloting and fine-tuning. Leader: BSAFE LAB – University of Beira Interior How to cite the RRAP: Esgalhado, G., Pereira, H., Monteiro, S., Costa, V., das Neves, P. & Reis, S. (2018). R2PRIS – Radicalisation Screening Tool. https://ec.europa.eu/programmes/erasmus-plus/project-result-content/0b4a914e-064a-4dbf-b4b0-db89bcd85c21/IO2_Eng.pdf |
Intelectual Output 3
Training curricula and programme
Description: Consists of an individual competences assessment instrument and a comprehensive training course for all target groups (prison staff, administration and trainers). It aims to create awareness on the broad picture of terrorism, the mindset and narratives used. The training curricula and programme was piloted in prison context and fine-tuned after piloting feedback collection.
Activities performed: Individual competences assessment; Development of a comprehensive training module for all target groups (prison staff, administration and trainers); Piloting and fine tuning of the training programme. Leader: IPS_Innovative Prison Systems |
Intelectual Output 4
E-learning training course
Description: Consists of an e-learning course and complementary materials. The distance-learning course was developed so that it can be used also in a blended learning format. The e-learning training course was piloted in prison context and fine-tuned after piloting feedback collection.
Activities performed: Development of the e-learning course and complementary materials; Piloting and fine-tuning of the e-learning programme. Leader: IPS_Innovative Prison Systems |
Intelectual Output 5
Train the trainer
Description: Consists of a train the trainer course. This course ensures dissemination and sustainability of the proposed approach over time since different groups of professionals will be trained as trainers and can, therefore, train others. The train the trainer course was piloted in prison context and fine-tuned after piloting feedback collection.
Activities: Development of the training course for trainers; Piloting and fine-tuning of the train the trainer course. Leader: IPS_Innovative Prison Systems |
Intelectual Output 6
Handbook of best practices on radicalisation prevention in prison
Description: Consists of an online repository of best practices; It will contain a handbook on radicalisation prevention (digital); and it will contain all the outputs developed under the R2PRIS project with all the instructions for use by trainers and prison staff members.
Activities performed: Development of an online repository of best practices; Development of a handbook on preventing radicalisation in prisons; Development of material and assessment tools instructions for trainers and staff members. Leader: BSAFE LAB – University of Beira Interior |
The R2PRIS project is co-financed by ERASMUS + programme ( KA2 - Strategic partnerships for adult education). ERASMUS + is the new EU programme for Education, Training, Youth, and Sports (2014-2020).
This website has been accomplished during the project “Radicalisation Prevention in Prisons” - 2015-1-PT01-KA204-013062 (R2PRIS), implemented with the financial support of the European Commission through the Erasmus + Programme. This publication reflects the views only of the author, The Portuguese National Agency ERASMUS+ Education and Training and the European Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. © Developed by IPS_Innovative Prison Systems